People will ask me commonly, “What can I do to rejuvenate my skin?” There are several things you can do to help improve your looks. One is the use of Retin-A. Retin-A is the only FDA-approved medicine for anti-aging. It got the approval many years ago, and it does work well, but you have to use it over many years. It’s not a quick fix. It helps with the fine little wrinkles, but it does nothing for furrows or the deep wrinkles. It also helps to even out the skin tone. Unfortunately it’s expensive because insurance companies know it’s used for cosmetic procedures, so over 25 or so, they’re going to question why it’s being used. If you look at the use of that, and spend 300-400 per year, versus cosmetic procedures it’s a bargain.
So I would start with that. Also, sunscreen on a daily basis. In fact, the studies show that you have to use the sunscreen if you’re going to use the Retin-A to get the improvement. That’s something you should do to start with.
If you want to consider other things…In the past, there were a lot of facelifts done, and that’s not something that’s done as much anymore because it’s been shown that as we age, the skin on your face loses volume. That’s why you see furrows and such. If you go back and look at a picture of you 20-30 years ago and look at your picture now, you’ll see if that volume were back, it actually tightens things up a little more. Now we’re more into fillers and Botox. Botox is simply something that paralyzes muscles that leads to wrinkles. It’s a temporary thing, just as fillers are temporary. Fillers usually have to be done every year, year and a half, and Botox every 3-6 months depending on the person.
You can improve your looks significantly doing those simple things without doing cutting at all.