I’m asked all the time about, “Should I use sunscreen just in the summer, or should I use it in the winter, or should I use it all the time?” The answer is that you should use it [sunscreen] every single day – whether you think you are going out or not. Because you may think you’re not going out somewhere that day, and you’re going to stay home and you’ll think, “Well I’m not going to use sunscreen,” but then you have to go somewhere. Since most sunscreens require about an hour to fully work on your skin, because there is a chemical reaction going on, most people aren’t going to wait an hour before they leave the house.
So, if you get in the habit of just using it as a moisturizer on a daily basis that is the best thing to do. Not only on your face, but you should use it on your neck, your ears, and you should use it on your hands, and your arms as well. Because when you see older people that have developed bruises on their arms, that is due totally to the sun and not due to their medication – although they think it has to do with possibly blood thinner or aspirin. It does tend to speed up the process, but it doesn’t cause it. If it caused it, then their back, bottom, and every other place on their body should bruise. And the bruising only occurs basically from your hands up to your short sleeve level.